Leader Effectiveness Training (Corporates)

Create cooperative and sustainable organizations.

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A message to Leaders

Give your workplace a BOOST!!!Do you find yourself consistent all the time? Do you go through moments or even days of ups and downs? Let me be more specific, with a focus on you as a person, do you experience the same mood every day or do you even manage to sustain it for a whole day?Does your mood and thoughts get interrupted with traffic, daily work challenges, family commitments, political situation, own needs and much more?!Well, that’s a fact of life we all go through ups and downs which affects our thoughts, emotions, feelings, and exposes us to different sorts of anxiety.
This moves us forward to the aim of this article, which is how to handle yourself and your employees so that you maintain an empowered motivated workforce while reducing the daily challenges which interferes with your productivity.

One way to sustain a motivated workforce:
1. List all accomplishments, on individual and team level (include yours)
2. Think how this affected you and your team performance (positively or negatively) 3. Relate how this affected the growth and performance of your unit
4. Be proud of all the outcomes, even the negative ones – they help you spot the positive actions that lead to excellence (give yourself a treat)
5. Provide continuous feedback, for your subordinates, co-workers, and boss a. Encourage them for positive outcomes b. Guide them eliminate negative outcomes 6. An EFFECTIVE way for continuous feedback:
a. Exact ACTION done
b. Exact EFFECT on co-worker/ unit/ organization c. As a person how did this make you feel d. Add a, b, and c in a sentence and communicate it to the concerned person

Conflict Resolution Workshop (C.R.W)What C.R.W. Participants Will Learn:
That conflict is inevitable, unavoidable–even healthy. The existence of conflict is not the problem, but rather how it is resolved.
How to identify conflicts at work
How to listen to others’ points of view for better understanding and improved work relations
How to express needs and problems openly and honestly without blame, criticism or finger-pointing
A proven six-step method for resolving conflicts so that needs (not competing solutions) get clearly identified and new, more creative solutions are found with group participation
How to mediate disputes between team members

How Your Company Will Benefit:Reduced time spent refereeing disagreements and conflicts between team members, freeing up time for productive workReduced stress because problems and conflicts are faced and solved instead of ignored or avoidedMore openness because employees feel more comfortable bringing up their issues and working out their differences

If you need help developing the above tips or would like to learn more about creating and sustaining a satisfied and productive workforce as well as eliminating your unique daily stresses and challenges; send me an email: iman.sarhan@lifecoachers.net or get in touch on  uk.linkedin.com/in/ImanSarhan and I will be delighted to guide you through!

We all want to be treated with dignity and care and have a sense of fulfilment in what we do.  Those are needs - basic needs as humans. In the field of leadership development, it's about behaviours, mindsets, how you show up, the values that you bring to work.  Leadership development has changed (humble, selfless..etc).

  If you don’t show up as human, the people you are leading will leave you at some point.  Showing genuine care,  makes them show more commitment and loyalty to the company –this all hangs well together.  We can do good business while being good humans and having healthy relationships in the business.  So there are really business reasons to be a good human.  Bringing in the softer, the human side, leaders are craving it and is super important for the organization.

People are looking for compassionate leaders, relationships are what matters, what helps you retain people – which is putting much pressure on organizations, mostly leaders to create organizations that are human.  Figure out the people you are leading, who they are and you then adapt and at the same time meet your needs and achieve your goals as a leader and as an organization.


Some issues we often receive from leaders/HR professionals prior to joining L.E.T.

Tired of people’s problems! we hire, train, invest, then they leave!

There seems to be a lot of waste, especially time, not sure whether employees are managing their time efficiently or not. 

Employees come in with their own baggage from home and personal life, we want to help but we also want to get the job done! 

Let alone conflicts within teams and between the different teams!!

Striving to create a collaborative culture, that aligns with the organization’s values 

Want to improve organizational wellbeing, have tried different random interventions, but don't seem to be enough.

Mental health of people is changing, lots of technology/stress/load…etc .Resulting in anxiety and burnout.  This all is thrown right into your lap, and while you need to be human and caring, you are bound by certain outcomes/a target that you need to meet.  So how to strike the right balance for this equation. 

What is Leader Effectiveness Training (L.E.T.) about?

L.E.T. is a Proven Model for Helping Leaders Bring Out the Best in themselves and Their People, communicate in effective ways to ultimately achieve your annual plans/targets and minimize conflicts.. It teaches people in leadership positions how to effectively manage their team to achieve the desired results while setting healthy boundaries and enjoying fruitful relationships  where they  gain the cooperation of their colleagues, subordinates and boss. L.E.T will also teach leaders  how to run effective meetings that generate results while reducing waste of, both, time and energy. 

This program  will also equip Leaders with skills to manage their daily stresses for reducing anxiety and preventing burnout – especially if they are working in a psychologically demanding profession. It will also enable them to look  after their own wellbeing, increase their psychological capacity and get their job done in the most efficient way.
While over the past 60 years GTI has trained millions all over the world, over the past 20 years we have trained thousands of people in Egypt and the Arab world – from CEOs, to managers, leaders, parents, therapists, coaches, and medical health practitioners.  Our happy clients are still in contact with us and are still using the skills they have learnt. 
Why not check a testimonial ...

Why is Leader Effectiveness Training (L.E.T.) unique?

The Behaviour Window Model which has been created and exclusively owned by Gordon Training is a scientifically proven framework that acts as a GPS for an effective fulfilling life. Through a set of leadership skills, leaders will learn how to clearly identify any problem in terms of its ownership and determine the right skills needed to act on them; and most of all how to set healthy boundaries and get their own needs met  through the concept of the Behaviour Window. The Gordon Model equips leaders to become more Assertive, Confident , Influential, Focused, and Successful.

NOW is your chance to support your leaders to go through a life-time changing experience where they would come out as “Empowered Leaders”  ready to face daily life challenges and effectively manage their team and deal with their bosses through the problem solving and effective communication skills this program will equip them with.

The program is divided into 7 sessions, the delivery mode, frequency, and schedule are tailored to your needs. But facilitated using experiential learning techniques to help participants digest and grasp the skills taught and implement them in their actual work environment till the next session for more practice and smooth integration of those skills in their daily life.

You can choose the package that suits your organization’s needs, for more details kindly get in touch:
iman.sarhan@gordontrainingegypt.com or info@gordontrainingegypt.com 

NEW! Earn up to 21 PDC’s with L.E.T. – Leader Effectiveness Training is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.

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What are the results to expect after successfully completing this program?

Participants would  have learned & practiced how to:

1. Determine who “owns the problem” in a given situation.
2. Identify the 12 Roadblocks to communication.
3. Distinguish between Roadblocks and Active Listening.
4. Avoid the Roadblocks that cause most helping attempts to fail.
5. Recognize when team members need your help as a skilled listener.
6. Use silence, acknowledgments and door-openers to help another person with a problem.
7. Active Listen to hear others feelings.
8. Active Listen to clarify information.
9. Distinguish between Acceptable and Unacceptable Behaviour.
10. Determine what to do when other’s behaviour is interfering with you meeting your needs.
11. Develop a three-part Confrontive I-Message.
12. Confront other’s unacceptable behaviour with an I-Message.
13. Shift gears between I-Messages and Active Listening when appropriate.
14. Acknowledge others’ efforts with Appreciative I-Messages.
15. Prevent problems and conflicts using Preventive I-Messages.
16. Recognize conflict situations.
17. Distinguish between Conflicts-of-Needs and Values Collisions.
18. Avoid the use of Method I.
19. Avoid the use of Method II.
20. Set the stage for Method III Conflict Resolution.
21. Use Method III to resolve a conflict you have with another person.
22. Use Method III to mediate a conflict between others.
23. Handle Values Collisions.
24. Use the Principle of Participation when there’s an issue or problem involving team members.

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We offer onsite tailored L.E.T. program for organizations,  for more details kindly get in touch:iman.sarhan@lifecoachers.net or contact@gordontrainingegypt.com